Sunday, March 29, 2020

Should You Look For A Chemistry And Physics Tutor?

Should You Look For A Chemistry And Physics Tutor?Are the chemistry and physics tutor what you need to raise your grades and make them suitable for higher studies? Hiring a tutor to help you with your grades is not just a way to make things easier. It is also a great way to increase your self-esteem and motivation.You may have to make different study plan at your school, college or university. You will find that this will help you decide which subjects you want to study. This will help you know what subjects you need to concentrate on to help you get better grades.Physics is a subject that you can study very well. Chemistry is also a very good subject to be taught well. So, if you have good grades in one of these subjects you will also have good grades in the other subject. It is said that if you study chemistry and physics and make them your study topic and tutor you will study well.To make it easier for you to decide whether or not to hire your own tutor. Here are some of the thing s you need to consider:The study schedule of the subject(s) you wish to study. You need to ensure that you study according to the syllabus of the subjects. You need to review your subject notes regularly. As this will help you understand your subject better.Preparation requirements. You need to find out about the preparation requirement for each subject and write it down.Reading material. This material will help you learn more about chemistry and physics. You should also read books on the subject and literature on these subjects. You can also take online chemistry and physics tests.Understanding the concepts of chemistry and physics. You need to determine if you have the ability to study chemistry and physics. Your teacher may need to assess your knowledge and skills to decide whether or not you will be good in this field.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Millennial Pink Now You See It

Millennial Pink Now You See It Photo Via: We all have a favorite color whether it’s blue, green, red or orange, we all have that one color that we’re more partial to than others. Especially millennials. Or at least, that’s what some new information is telling us. If you haven’t heard this yet (though you’ve undoubtedly seen it), Millennial Pink is a color that’s branding the nation. The emergence of the color began back in 2012 and continues to brighten our days now in 2017, which is long enough that we have to begin taking note. For those of you that aren’t familiar with the color, it’s a toned down Barbie Pink (very toned down). In fact, it’s so toned down it’s practically pale pink, but it isn’t. It’s Millennial Pink. Of course, the name Millennial Pink wasn’t coined until the summer of 2016, but the color has been around prior to and since then all the same. And yes, colors typically go in and out of style (I’m looking at you, neon anything). But in this case, there’s no end in sight. So why is Millennial Pink all over the place? Basically, it’s because the color sells. According to Fabiana Faria, “We’ve upholstered things in this emerald green that we’re excited about, but it sits there for months. The second I show a pink thing anything it leaves so quickly.” But why pink? For one, pink is now very much androgynous. For another, pink shows up very well in social media filters and is generally neutral appearing. But don’t believe me? Well, Millennial Pink has been everywhere and you probably haven’t even noticed. From fashion week and celebrity wardrobes to new restaurants and night clubs, the color is taking over in terms of marketing, and it’s doing so fairly effectively. Generation Y is obsessed with the color, but what’s the reason behind the obsession? Why can’t we get enough of the color pink? Many say that the color is aesthetically pleasing and even calming, which explains why it’s been used in music videos by Drake and Kanye West in the past, and was most recently in the film, “The Grand Budapest Hotel.” But that’s not the only place that it’s shown up in terms of marketing, it’s everywhere. In ads for clothes, restaurants, fashion boutiques, etc., Millennial Pink is all over the place. And this isn’t the first color to show up out of the blue like this either (pun definitely intended); in the past, we’ve seen an explosion of neon and, more recently, an obsession with icy blues. And while Millennial Pink certainly has that calming, blue undertone, this is anything but just another pale pink; it’s a statement color that’s impacting the way we view branding. We’ve all heard of symbolism and the significance of color in many films, books, and even musical compositions, and color has long been an important aspect of advertisements. Basically, if the ad isn’t visually appealing, and the color doesn’t convey the message, the ad is going to fall flat. With Millennial Pink, companies have discovered a color that speaks to a certain generation, making it very easy to target that audience with minimal effort and cost. It’s an interesting concept to think about, especially if you’re interested in the film or advertising fields. And don’t get too attached to the color either, because it’s likely not going to be around forever. Though there isn’t an end in sight in regards to its use, all colors go in and out of style, and this color, unfortunately, won’t be immune to such changes. It’s just now hitting the crux of its existence  so I wouldn’t be too surprised if we see a disappearance of the color over the next couple years. But this isn’t all bad news as one color goes out of style, in comes another, perhaps more powerful color to take its place. So at this point, it isn’t enough to just pay attention to trends in terms of technology and product, but also trends in terms of visuals, as these are ultimately going to sell products, perhaps even better than other tactics would have done. So, Millennial Pink, we all appreciate you and all that you do. You’re certainly a color that we’re happy to see throughout our daily lives and one that we will be rather sad to see leave us. But when it comes down to it, the future tends to bring along with it bigger and better things, and as sad as it will be to see you go, we’ll look forward to seeing what will rise in your wake. So get out there and buy those Millennial Pink products  because before long, you’ll be making way for the next, hot and in thing that we can’t get enough of. Enjoy it while it lasts.

8 Foreign Language Proficiency Tests That All Learners Should Know About

8 Foreign Language Proficiency Tests That All Learners Should Know About 8 Foreign Language Proficiency Tests That All Learners Should Know About “Ugh, tests!”This is the normal, human reaction to anything resembling a graded assessment of one’s skills, linguistic or not.That painful grunt is then followed by a parade of expletives (which is really a language unto itself), then finally punctuated by gasps of a person terrorized and waiting for his impending doom.Surely, tests are no good news.But here I am, about to tell you that you absolutely should love these language proficiency tests.Why?Well, let me tell you why. The Virtues of Language Proficiency TestsThe advantages of language proficiency tests  are  twofold.First, they can be used as proof of competence for job applications  and advanced studies. Sure, the world might  be a better place if there weren’t any language proficiency tests. You wouldn’t have to cough up any fees. During interviews, the person screening you would simply have the liberty to ask you anything to test your knowledge and competence in the language.But imagine how impractical and unpr ofessional that would be in actual practice. Let’s say it’s your fifth  job interview, and you have a particularly curious French interviewer  who wants to test your linguistic chops and asks you: What’s the French word for “elevator”? How about “orange”? What’s the difference between avoir  and être? Translate this phrase for me: I am late because my car broke down.Wouldn’t that be a little bit insulting, if not time and energy consuming? Could anyone get an accurate, thorough picture of someones overall French knowledge in a quick sit-down like this?Having documentary proof for passing the Test de Connaissance du Français, you can just silently insert the certificate with your other requirements and be on your way. The interviewer will now  only have to ask, “What level did you get in TCF?” To which you respond, “C2,” and the two of you can move on to talk about salaries and what not.Your language proficiency test results are clear and succinct statemen ts of your competency in the language. I’m not saying the tests are perfect,  but  I am saying that theyre a handy shortcut when you want to prove your linguistic chops. That’s why many governments, companies and institutions require them from applicants. A lettered number like C2 tells them more than they need to know about you and your skills. So, for someone who wants to work in a specific country or take advanced classes, a language proficiency test might be a required element of your application.A second virtue of language testâ€"and this is on a more personal noteâ€"is that by anticipating an exam, a righteous fire is sparked underneath you, compelling you to prepare. You’re provided with an excellent motivation to hit the books, work the flashcards and stay in on Saturday evenings.Oftentimes, this kind of furious dedication can only be acquired through an upcoming standardized examination. When you’re working for a “golden star” or a “brownie point,” somehow i t doesn’t bear the same seriousness as a government sanctioned assessment.So you get motivated because you’re paying for it yourself and because you don’t get to take it every day. Youve got one shot to prove yourself (unless you want to pay the fee and sit down to take the test  again).As a result, your study and review sessions result in a very  in-depth learning of the language that you would otherwise not have had, had you not prepared so hard for the exam.That can only mean wonderful things for you! Especially if youre aware of entertaining ways to study that keep the process from being frustrating or monotonous, like FluentU. FluentU takes real-world videosâ€"like movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talksâ€"and turns them into personalized language lessons.And really, a third virtue of language proficiency tests is that after you pass them, they become bona fide confidence boosters. They add a spring to your steps, scaffolding your chin so that it always rem ains up. To know that youre good enough is enough to make you wanna brag, even if its just to yourself or your mom.You passed a hurdle, knocked one out of the park. So, what can life throw your way that you can’t handle? You already have personal proof that as long as you put your mind into it, you’ll make it.What Language Proficiency Tests to Take?As far as language proficiency tests go, there are plenty of fish in the sea. So, you must be able to filter what’s good and widely recognized and what’s not. You don’t want to study hard and pass a test only to discover that the institution you’re applying to goes by a different measure.A great rule of thumb is to first  ask your target institution what proficiency tests they require and recognize. This information is often available in job and university application instructions, on the institutions main website or within the online FAQ, but if these resources yield no results then go ahead and call or email someone.That sai d, here are some of the most prestigious as well as widely-recognized language assessment tools for different languages.8 Foreign Language Proficiency Tests That All Learners Should Know AboutEnglishTOEFLIf you want to enroll in an English-speaking academic institution in a place like the United States, Australia, Canada or the United Kingdom and you come from a country where English is not the first language, you may have to prove that you can handle English as the language medium for the coursework. In this case, youll have to take the TOEFL.TOEFL stands for Test of English as a Foreign Language. And that, exactly, is what it’s all about. The TOEFL tests your reading, listening, speaking  and writing  skills in four separate sections, each section devoted to one skill. There are specific elements in the TOEFL geared to assess each of these skills in different ways.Overall, your English comprehension will definitely be tested. For example, in the Reading Comprehension section, yo u may be asked to read three to four academic passages and after each one you’ll be asked a couple of questions based on the texts. In the Independent and Integrated Writing sections, youll be asked to write an essay or opinion piece on a given topic, and youll also need to make a structured argument about something said within a given passage. The TOEFL is set to find out if youre ready for the rigors of academic training in an English-speaking institution.You can register for the test online, by mail or by phone. Youll then get information about the date, time and test center where you’ll sit down for the test.Speaking of test centers, theres more than one way to go about taking the test. There are  online  and paper-based versions of the TOEFL. The online version, offered more than 50 times a year, is the more common one with fees ranging from $160-$250, depending on your location. The test can be completed in 4.5  hours, including a 10-minute break.The paper-based test ($160 , 4 hours to complete) is comparable to the online test  except that it doesnt have the speaking section where you listen to a native speaker talk (sometimes with an accent) and give an audio response based on what you’ve heard.TOEFL results are valid for two years and you can ask the Educational Testing Service (ETS), the exam’s administrator, to independently send your results to schools and universities that youve applied to.For the best tips about this test, subscribe to FluentU’s TOEFL blog.IELTSThe International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is also another widely recognized English language proficiency test. Its jointly managed by the British Council, IDP Education and Cambridge English Language Assessment.IELTS also tests all four English communication skills: reading (60 minutes), writing (60 minutes), listening (30 minutes) and speaking (11-14 minutes). The whole test should be finished in 2 hours and 45 minutes.The IELTS speaking section  is actually a rec orded face-to-face interview given by a certified examiner, and it comes close to the real, practical experience of talking to a native speaker. It’s divided into three parts. The first one involves personal introductions. The examiner will  introduce himself or herself, and youll do the same. The examiners may ask you further questions about your family, work, background, hobbies and interests.In the second section  of the test youre given a task card, and youll be asked to talk at length about the topic written on it. Talking points will also be included on the task card, so make sure you cover them in your discussion. Youll be given 1-2 minutes to prepare, and writing down and reading from notes is allowed. After your talk, the examiner will ask you a question or two on the topic.The third section  is really an extension of the second. Itll be a discussion between you and the examiner. The examiner will probe you about the topic and will try to gauge your ability to communicate information, issues and ideas.IELTS come in two flavors, one geared for students (“Academic”) applying for advanced studies and postgraduate degrees, and another for migrants (“General Training”) who wish to prove English competence as part of their visa or employment application.The tests differ in the reading and writing sections. Academic IELTS involves questions and passages that test a student’s ability to thrive in an academic or professional environment, while General Training IELTS tests a person’s practical, everyday proficiency with the English language.There are no failing marks for this test, only band scores (0-9). A “0” means you didnt take the test, a “1” means that you have essentially no ability to use the language, save for some isolated words or expressions, and a “9” means that youre an expert English speaker  and have full operational command of the language.The test fee will vary on your location. Find out how much it will cost here.For more wonderful insights into the test, subscribe to FluentU’s IELTS blog.TOEICThe Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC)  rounds up the triumvirate of English-based proficiency tests. It was developed by the Educational Testing Service to (ETS) to gauge English proficiency in the business or professional setting and is now recognized by 14,000 organizations in 150 countries. Korea’s LG Group and China Southern Airlines are just two of the many corporations that rely on TOEIC as a tool for business decisions.In the question of recruitment, placement or promotion, a stellar TOEIC score could make a huge difference.There are two types of TOEIC. The first is the TOEIC Listening and Reading and it  tests  exactly those two skills. Its a 2-hour exercise made up of 200 questions that gauge listening and reading comprehension in every way possible. For example, in the listening comprehension portion, youll be shown a picture followed by four audio statements about the image. Youll mark your answer sheet to indicate the statement that best describes the picture. So, if the picture is about guys playing basketball, then you choose the statement which exactly expresses that. Be careful because the audio statements will only be presented once.The second type, TOEIC Speaking and Writing, was introduced in 2006. With this test youll be tested on pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary, grammar, coherence and organization.In the speaking section of the test, there will be 11 oral tasks that youll have to completeâ€"ranging from reading a specific text out loud to describing a picture or expressing an opinion. The section takes around 20 minutes to finish.In the writing test format, there are eight written tasks to be completed, ranging from writing a sentence based on a picture to writing an essay expressing an opinion.So if you’re thinking of getting ahead in your career or enhancing your professional credentials, consider taking the TOEIC. As always, Flu entU is here to help. We have a dedicated blog  to help all you TOEIC takers out there.FrenchTCFWhen it comes to proving your French mettle, the Test de Connaissance du Français (TCF) is one test you dare not miss. Its administered by Centre International détudes Pédagogiques (CIEP) for the French Ministry of Education.Whether it be for personal, academic or professional reasons, the TCF will give you a language assessment that follows the standards set forth in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).As a short aside, in 2001, a European Union Council Resolution recommended the use of CEFR as a standard system to test and validate language proficiency for the different languages of Europe. The standard levels of proficiency are as follows:A = Basic User (A1 and A2)B = Independent User (B1 and B2)C = Proficient User (C1 and C2)[A2 is a better than A1, and having a C2 rating means that the test taker has gained fluency and precision with the language. C2 is the highest rating in this system.]TCF has both compulsory and optional components. The compulsory unit is  an 80-item multiple choice test  that gauges your listening comprehension, reading comprehension and use of language structures. In the listening portion, for example, you may hear a French dialogue, interview or discussion, and youll then be asked a question based on what you heard. The reading comprehension section will assess your understanding of French based on the written word, with the items getting progressively more difficult.The optional test can only be taken once you’ve passed the compulsory test. You should take this within two years after passing the compulsory test, as this is the duration of your compulsory scores validity.The optional component is made up of the speaking and writing sections. The spoken component is a recorded face-to-face interview with an examiner that lasts about 15 minutes. Theyll give you a series of tasks that will elucidate your Fren ch verbal dexterity, and they may ask you to describe an experience or event, explain an idea or discuss a complex topic. The recording of the interview will then be sent to CIEP where it will be evaluated by a team of qualified teachers.The written portion of the test is composed of six tasks that will progressively get more difficult. All these will be used to see if you can create complex French sentences, synthesize an idea and even paraphrase a paragraph.Since the spoken and written tests are optional, you may decide not take them at all.  For French language lessons, FluentU’s French blog is a delightful option. Weve also got a complete guide to taking the TCF here.SpanishDELEDiplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera (DELE) are tests administered by Instituto Cervantes on behalf of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, and adhering to the standards set forth by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This means it follows the standard taxo nomy of language competency as explained above, where A1 is considered absolute beginner and C2 signifies a high level of fluency.The test is held five times each yearâ€"in April, May, July, October and Novemberâ€"at 800 test centers in 100 countries.The DELE is similar to other language proficiency tests, having features that comprehensively gauge Spanish  grammar  and comprehension. But it does differ in some important respects from tests we’ve discussed so far. While other test results are valid for only a limited period of time, usually two years, the DELE is permanently valid. (You are, after all, given a diploma.)Another unique feature of the DELE is that you determine before the actual assessment which level of testing youd like to take. While other tests give students the same or similar test  and, based on the test results, determine what competency level the student is in, the DELE makes the student choose which test to take beforehand.This means there are six different versions of the test. There’s a DELE for A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2, each successive test getting a little bit more difficult. You determine beforehand what test level youd like to take. So, youll need to research which diploma is required by the institution to which you’ll be sending your results. B2 is often enough for entry into a Spanish university. But if it’s a medical school you’re interested in, they often require at least a C1 diploma.How much does it cost? Well, in this respect DELE is like many other tests. It depends on where you’ll be taking the test. Get the contact info for the testing center nearest you  here.For more Spanish lessons to help you prepare for the DELE, you can subscribe to the  FluentU Spanish blog.GermanTELCThe European Language Certificates (TELC) Deutsch, in partnership with the German federal government, provides a fair evaluation of your German aptitude according to the standards set forth by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).Like the DELE, youll have to choose which TELC level you take. For example, when applying for a spouse visa, an A1 TELC test (the most basic one) is enough. Applying for university and medical school is a different proposition altogether.The test  has a format thats similar  to that of the other tests  weve discussed here. There are reading and listening comprehension sections and a language elements section, as well as sections devoted to assessing your writing and speaking skills.The oral part of TELC is a unique one, in that it may not be a one-on-one interview with an examiner. Two persons may be tested at the same time. In this case, the examiner will take the role of facilitator and mediate the conversation.Twenty minutes before the start of the oral examination, youll be given a task sheet detailing the things you and your partner will have to do. (No talking with your partner during the prep stage.)Its important that you actively participate in the conversa tion and respond to what the other examinee is sayingâ€"without, of course, dominating the conversation. In case your partner has trouble with the task, try to help him out. (This will merit you extra points!)Don’t worry. FluentU has got you covered. We have a German language blog to help you in every way we can.TELC  also offers proficiency tests in nine other languagesâ€"Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Turkish and Arabic. Check out their official site to find out more.ChineseChinese (Mandarin in particular) is fast becoming a required language for business. Theres a whole lot of people studying it at the moment and you could very well be one of them. At some point, youll want to know where you are in your Chinese progress as well as receive certification for your hard-earned proficiency.HSKThe Hànyu Shuipíng Kaoshì  (HSK), administered by Hanban, an agency of the Ministry of Education of the Peoples Republic of China, is the test you should take. It’s the only official, standardized test for Mandarin Chinese.You can choose from six  levels of the test, ranging from HSK1 to HSK6.HSK1 is the easiest and is designed for learners who can communicate in basic sentences and understand simple Chinese characters. Because of the nature of the language, in addition to the usual fare of reading and listening comprehension, there’s a section which tests your ability to identify Chinese characters. (There’s a list of required characters provided for every level.) Pinyin, Chinese transliteration, is provided in HSK1.HSK6 is the most difficult test to take and is designed for folks who can fluently converse in the language, know linguistic nuances, use idiomatic expressions properly and express themselves by both written and oral means.The oral portion of the test  can be taken separately. For this separate speaking section there are just three levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced.The written test  fees start at $20 for HSK1 and go up in $10 increments. Oral fees also start at $20 for beginners and go up to $20 and $30 for intermediate and advanced levels respectively.So get a  move on. Start your Chinese review! Why not subscribe to the FluentU Chinese blog? Youll get to read tons of posts  specifically geared towards preparing for  the HSK like  this one. And this one. Or  this one.JapaneseIf you wish to land a top job in the third largest economy in the world, chances are youre going to need to be certified in Japanese. Even if youd just like to cultivate excellent business relationships with the Japanese, then knowing some of the language can be a great foot in the door.In general, the  Japanese tend to look favorably on those who not only respect their cherished traditions but also those who can speak their tongue. So, a lot of businesspeople are getting started with their Japanese language programs. FluentU’s Japanese blog would be a great mate!JLPTIn order to be certified, youre going to have to take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), administered by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) in cooperation with the Ministry of Education.Unlike other language proficiency tests  that are held several times annually, the JLPT  is conducted only twice a year, July and December, in Japan and selected countries. (Well, there are even some countries who have it only once a year.) So, youd  better make your test count.There are five JLPT levels you can take. N1 is the highest level and N5 is the most basic level. (For serious job seekers who will need Japanese for daily professional purposes, you must pass at least the N2 certification exam.)The JLPT has reading and listening formats that are comparable to the other language tests  we have featured here, testing your knowledge of different grammatical structures and characters, and Im sure you’ll be sad to know that it doesnt have a speaking component. Well, that’s okay. I’m sure you’ll have your hands full wit h the written section.To end this post, let me simply say that language fluency tests  are not the monsters of the deep theyre often purported to be.Theyre simply a gauge, a way of telling you where you are in your language journey. Theyre a check, a guide you can use to  plan  your way and achieve your goals.So, have at it already, and good luck!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

An Amazing Way to Find the Perfect Video to Learn

An Amazing Way to Find the Perfect Video to Learn Lets say youve got 10 words to learn by tomorrow.And you dont want to go through the drudgery of making your own flashcards.Instead, you want to see those words in action.If only you could find the perfect video using those 10 words.Then youd be able to efficiently learn all of those words in context.All the words would be connected, and we know that the fastest way to learn something is to create mental associations.Unfortunately, most of us dont have a personal tutor who can scour the web for the perfect piece of content right?Well, actually, its your lucky day.At FluentU, weve just unrolled a new feature called Similar Vocab.Its really simple.Basically, when you have a list of vocabulary words, youll be recommended videos that have those vocabulary words.Simple right?Just copy and paste a bunch of words into a flashcard set, and presto: youve got videos that are great for learning those words.Its another step in our mission to become the best source of authentic language learning content anywhere.Check out this new feature on FluentU!

Slutty Cheerleader Bribes Tutor With An Athletic Assfucking Torrent

Slutty Cheerleader Bribes Tutor With An Athletic Assfucking TorrentSlutty cheerleader, yeah? Well, keep reading as I reveal to you how to get your sluttiest cheerleader a tutor who will really bang her in the right spot and send her back to school looking like a supermodel.The slutty cheerleader is a cheerleader who has probably been with the team for a while. Or more like, she was hired. At least it was her idea to be so slutty. Think of a club girl who takes a shot at something new every once in a while and can make it look good, but not too good.For instance, if the cheerleaders at your school had started playing cheerleading for Mommy, she would love her to wear stockings with her outfit and at least wear her short skirts if they were short. That would show that she really loves her mom.Of course, she probably wouldn't want to go out dancing every night. That is a bit of a waste of time. Just getting a scholarship is so much better, because she would be getting a great education and feel really good about herself.The most important thing is to get her into school and not allow her to slip out, or else she is going to be in trouble with her teachers. So think of something really sexy like having her on an all-expenses paid trip to some super model hotel in Miami.There is nothing that makes women think that way in the real world, right? But just in case, and just so you can make her think that the trip is going to be a real escape, book a couple nights in a five star restaurant or resort. It might not seem like much at first, but once she sees it, she will be screaming for more!So, just think of how she will have been with her friends as she passes through those early teen years, and it should get her very wet indeed. And you want to see her happy, right?

How to Do Replacement Definition Chemistry

How to Do Replacement Definition ChemistryThere are many people who are new to replacement definition chemistry. Even though they have a basic understanding of the term, the real answer to their question is yes. All it takes is a bit of knowledge and some practical experience to be able to properly do what is required to get your desired product. This article will explain to you how to go about obtaining the proper materials to do this.The first thing that most people need to know is the terminology that is used when talking about Replacement Definition Chemistry. In short, it is a process of preparing substances so that they can be used as catalysts in the production of chemical products. The processes used are simple and straightforward. You simply need to react the substance with another chemical to turn it into the desired product. To understand this further, you will need to understand the catalytic nature of the various chemicals.The ability to do these chemical reactions at wi ll without the complication of complicated chemical reactions is what makes it so useful. When you are unable to do a chemical reaction, the result could be something that is not entirely desirable. By simply adding a catalyst and making your chemical product an active part of the process, you are able to get what you want with no problems. This is the beauty of this method.Using Replacement Definition Chemistry to create useful chemicals is not very difficult to do. In fact, there are simple steps that you can take that will make the process much easier to manage. By being able to do these simple steps, you will be able to produce a number of items. Some examples of these chemicals are polymers, plastics, rubber, fabrics, gasoline, and oil. It does not matter what it is that you are trying to produce, the process is simple enough to do.Another great thing about Replacement Definition Chemistry is that it is not complicated to do. It does not require a background in chemistry to do the entire process. By using simple steps, you can easily turn nearly any substance into what you desire. There are plenty of chemicals that you can use that will create your desired result.The basic step that is being referred to in this article is to introduce a catalyst. In this step, the catalyst would contain an appropriate amount of salt and a mixture of chemicals that is meant to react with it. After introducing the catalyst, you would then need to wait for the reactions to occur. These reactions would mean the conversion of the substance to another form that has the properties that you desire. The conversion from one form to another would then happen.Having a basic understanding of Replacement Definition Chemistry is the first step in being able to use it to help you in your craft. Once you understand the steps, you will be able to take advantage of all of the possibilities that this process offers. It is only through doing this that you will be able to get the exact chemica l or material that you desire.

Ask an MBA Admissions Expert Dan Bauer

Ask an MBA Admissions Expert Dan Bauer Varsity Tutors brings you insider tips and advice straight from nationally recognized admissions experts. Having founded his admissions consulting firm, The MBA Exchange, in 1996 after serving as an admissions interviewer for his alma mater HarvardBusiness School, Dan Bauer and his firm have helped over 3,000 individuals gain acceptance from the worlds most selective MBA programs. Read on for the valuable advice he has to offer about the business school admissions process. VT: How much time should be set aside to adequately prepare for and complete the application for an MBA program? Dan: Depending on the candidacy, this can take anywhere from several weeks to several months to prepare applications. However, the start of the process is not writing essays, but rather optimizing the candidacy itself. The professional, academic and personal aspects of the individuals profile need to be analyzed so that the applicant can leverage strengths and mitigate vulnerabilities. If done properly, this front-end effort brings focus, momentum and efficiency to preparing the actual applications. A smart way to get started is with a free, expert evaluation of the candidacy from a knowledgeable admissions consulting firm. VT: What would you say is the single most important thing to focus on for this kind of application? Dan: Most importantly, a truly competitive application must present a combination of three elements: qualifications, motivation and contributions. First, the candidate needs to convey an academic and professional background that ensures competence in the MBA classroom. Second, the applicant must illustrate a clear rationale and sincere passion for attending the targeted school as the bridge to post-MBA goals. And finally, he or she should make a compelling case for the value added that the candidacy will bring to the program and its participants, before and after graduation. VT: What do MBA admissions officers look for most in the essay questions? Dan: Relevance, initiative and authenticity. Simply stated, the applicant needs to answer the essay questions as posed by the school. However, in doing so, the admissions staff is not satisfied with mere facts or boilerplate. Rather, they want the candidate to grasp address the issues behind the question just as a leader does in the business world -- so the essay is robust and distinctive. Finally, they want insight into the thoughts, feelings and values of the applicant in order to know the candidate even before they meet him or her in-person. VT: What are the biggest mistakes one can make on this application? Dan: The biggest error is presenting only what the applicant thinks the admissions committee wants to see. Some individuals mistakenly believe that there is no need to go beneath the surface or beyond the resume. However, developing a candidacy and crafting an application are intensely personal. Through this process, the candidate learns a great deal about himself or herself. In fact, this may be the first and last time in their lives that they do such a thorough assessment of their past, present and future. It is only such a journey of self-discovery that ultimately produces MBA applications that are cathartic for the candidate and compelling for the adcom. There are no magic bullets, insider tips or expedient shortcuts to getting there. VT: What aspects of the MBA admissions process make it most different from undergraduate admissions process? Dan: The admissions process at top-tier business schools is more comprehensive and subjective than that at leading undergrad and other graduate schools. When applying to non-MBA programs, it can be nearly impossible for someone to overcome a sub-par GPA and/or standardized admissions test. In contrast, graduate business schools carefully consider the 2+ years of full-time work experience that most applicants have completed. Furthermore, most non-MBA programs ask only one essay question with a broad topic (e.g., a personal statement) and have no required interview. With the business school application process, there are typically several essays and a mandatory interview before admission is granted. So, by comparison, the MBA applicant has a significantly greater opportunity to define the candidacy and convince the school to grant acceptance. VT: Is there anything that automatically disqualifies an applicant from being considered for an MBA program (i.e. low GPA, lack of particular work experience, etc.)? Dan: No. Having helped hundreds of MBA applicants to gain admission to their targeted b-schools despite significant academic, personal or professional constraints, it is clear that admissions committees evaluate each candidacy in totality. A weakness in one area can be neutralized by strength in another. Never say never! For instance, my firm has guided five past clients to acceptance at top-10 business schools even though these individuals did not have undergraduate degrees! VT: What kind of work experiences should be highlighted in the MBA application? Dan: Published statistics confirm that top business schools favor applicants from the leading financial and management consulting firms. However, the admissions committees also want professional diversity in their incoming class. What is most important is not the specific industry or job function of the MBA applicant, but rather the growth, learning and impact that the applicant has acquired and will share with classmates. Being an overachiever with a passion for advancing the knowledge of others can transcend any specific employment profile. VT: What advice do you have regarding GMAT test prep? Dan: Be very thoughtful in choosing the tutoring resources that you engage for test prep. One size does not fit all. That is why my firm The MBA Exchange does not offer GMAT tutoring directly but rather provides a free evaluation of prep needs and introduces several specialists to each client. To determine the best resource, consider which components of the test require the most study and support, and confirm the tutors qualifications in that area. Then, think about how you learn most effectively (e.g. in-person vs. remote; individual vs. group, etc.) and make sure the tutors services are a match. Finally, allow yourself abundant time to learn and practice before you take the actual test; only when you and your tutor agree that your practice scores have reached an acceptable peak should you schedule the real GMAT. VT: Is it absolutely necessary to have work experience prior to starting an MBA degree? Dan: There are some exceptions, but for the vast majority of applicants having 2 more years of full-time work experience prior to applying is a must. Not only is this an expectation of the admissions committee, but this background also ensures that the candidate will gain more from and contribute more to the MBA education. The currency of business school classrooms especially those where the case study method is king -- is the professional background that each student brings. Both faculty and peers assume that on day one everyone has a solid grasp of the nomenclature, culture and nuances of the business world. This provides a shared platform for learning, growing and bonding. VT: What are the characteristics of a great MBA program? Dan: Believing that there are several excellent business schools for every applicant to consider, I am going to answer with a list of selection criteria. A great MBA program offers knowledge and perspective that align seamlessly with the applicants vision. Professors who are recognized inside and outside the school as thought leaders in their respective disciplines. A dynamic culture where students are the program owners and customers. Loyal, global alumni actively involved with the school and dedicated to helping each other succeed. A productive and responsive career services staff. Recruitment by industry-leading companies that offer real jobs, even during tough economic times. And finally, a respected and recognized brand, transcending time and borders, that graduates can count on as a lifetime asset. Visit to learn more about The MBA Exchange and request a free evaluation of your MBA candidacy.The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.